Application Problem:
The client at a large wastewater treatment plant wanted to automate and improve process information from the secondary clarifiers. The problem the client had was that the clarifiers had a hydraulic imbalance with the feed from the aeration tank. This caused the pumps, which were manually controlled to over scavenge in some clarifiers which decreased the average aeration.
The ORCA sonar transmitter allowed the client to track a calibrated density in the interface column in each clarifier. This provided the customer with the ability to automatically control each tank's RAS underflow pump. The overall benefit to the client was the average RAS density return increased to aeration.
Ordering information:
- OSIRDYX Transmitter
- OSIRT002S4XC6 Transducer
- OSIRME-L3 Mounting pipe and fittings
- OSIRSC-E Impact plate/cleaner
![Secondary / Final Clarifier](assets/images/content/Secondary_Clarifier.jpg)