The patented ACURAGE™ is the industry's first single chamber sight glass with Guided Wave Radar. Proudly made in the USA, this unique, ASME approved level measuring instrument displays the level of process fluids in real-time via digital display and built-in sight glass tube. The ACURAGE™ features a built-in safety ball check system to protect the operator from accidental spillage of process liquid in the unlikely event of glass breakage.
Watch VideoIndustries
• Oil & Gas
• Chemicals
• Petrochemicals
• Condensation Tanks
• Storage Tanks
• Surge Tanks
Product: ACURAGE
Principle of Operation
The patented ACURAGE™ is the INDUSTRY’S FIRST auto calibrating unique radar gauge for true level reading and instant spot smart calibration. Proudly made in the USA, this unique, level measuring instrument displays the level of process fluids in real-time via display and/or built-in sight glass tube. It can be used to calibrate electronic gauges, such as Radar Transmitter, without going through complex procedures. This unique patented technology uses a combination of mechanical and electrical components, allowing end users to determine real-time true level indications of process liquids with the added advantage of safety ball checks.
Bliss Americas, the leading level and skids manufacturer, and Hawk Measurement (HAWK), the world leader in level and Guided Wave Radar, have teamed up to bring to the industry the most innovative single chamber measuring device on the market, the ACURAGE™.
The radar transmitter mounted on the ACURAGE meets international standards and has both national and international approvals, including but not limited to: FM; CSA; ATEX; INMETRO and IECEx
• Spot calibration of radar transmitter
• Real-time true level of process liquid
• Color of process liquid can be watched by operator
• Interface visibility
• True redundancy
• Inevitable in crictical level monitoring applications
• Flashing, foaming, and cryogenic application
• No fear of magnetic ferrous particles interferring with operation, unlike magnetic level gauges
• Changes in specifi c gravity of process liquid do not pose a problem
• Full function in power failure modes
• Steam application (ASME sec-1)
• Guided Wave Radar Level Transmitter
• LED Display Level Readout
• Fixed isolation valves with safety ball checks
- Tank or Vessel